attenzione: traduzione italiana infondo
The "forms" we need to express our modern world can never be found in the work of a single personality and its "private" language. Such solutions are impossible because they are based on a false, purely superficial grasp of the nature of form. The domination of a culture by the private design-concepts of a few "prominent" individuals, in other words an artistic dictatorship, cannot be accepted.

We can only acquire a true general culture (for a culture of the few, as has existed up till now, is no culture but a kind of barbarism) if we remember the natural law of general relationship, the indissoluble oneness of all men and peoples, and of all fields of human creativity. Only in degenerate times can "Personality" (opposed to the nameless masses) become the aim of human development.

Printers in the recent past, a period of decadence caused by the final collapse of a culture, had to submit themselves in their work to the whims of a "book-artist's" private style, if they wished to make any sense in the use of his types. As a result of this spiritual restraint, they could not achieve free creativity. To these men today we offer logical, "non-personal" work, using impersonal materials, which alone will make possible a free, impersonal creativity, a logical outcome of truly personal ability and a unified form of life, a "style." Individualistic work, the "line" of the artist, is the exact opposite of what we are trying to achieve.

Only anonymity in the elements we use and the application of laws transcending self combined with the giving up of personal vanity (up till now falsely called "personality") in favour of pure design assures the emergence of a general, collective culture which will encompass all expressions of life - including typography.

Today the old and decadent, the young and vital, confront one another. The living man, if he does not side with the old and musty, can support only the new!